High94.8°F at 12:00:09 AM
Low90.9°F at 01:36:22 AM
Diurnal Variation3.9°F
Heat Index95.8°F
Dewpoint Depression24.6°F
Pressure29.694 inHg
Current0 mph from N/A
Average0 mph from 207°
High2 mph from 207° at 02:05:02 AM
Last Rain07/25/2024 10:50:00 PM
Air Quality
PM 13.7 µg/m³
PM 2.54.5 µg/m³
PM 105.4 µg/m³
High109.7°F at 04:18:32 PM
Low77.3°F at 12:00:09 AM
Diurnal Variation32.4°F
Max Heat Index116.5°F at 04:06:22 PM
Max Dewpoint72.0°F at 08:38:32 AM
Min Dewpoint62.2°F at 05:30:50 PM
Max Humidity78% at 12:00:09 AM
Min Humidity23% at 04:22:59 PM
Average1 mph
Vector0 mph from 44°
High8 mph from 5° at 12:25:29 PM
Accum0.00 in
Max Rate0.00 in/hr at 12:00:07 AM
Air Quality (Highs)
PM 120.0 µg/m³
PM 2.526.0 µg/m³
PM 1031.0 µg/m³
High114.2°F at 04:16:53 PM (Wednesday)
Low76.1°F at 11:15:09 PM (Thursday)
Max Heat Index123.4°F at 02:36:21 PM (Thursday)
Max Dewpoint73.1°F at 07:36:53 AM (Wednesday)
Min Dewpoint53.9°F at 06:45:09 PM (Tuesday)
Max Humidity85% at 10:56:22 PM (Thursday)
Min Humidity16% at 05:40:49 PM (Tuesday)
Average1 mph
Vector1 mph from 243°
High20 mph from 358° at 09:13:16 PM (Thursday)
Accum0.18 in
Max Rate1.42 in/hr at 09:16:29 PM (Thursday)
Air Quality (Highs)
PM 1146.0 µg/m³
PM 2.5266.0 µg/m³
PM 10337.0 µg/m³
High114.2°F at 4:16PM on Wednesday
Low76.1°F at 11:15PM on Thursday
Max Heat Index123.4°F at 2:36PM on Thursday
Max Dewpoint73.1°F at 7:36AM on Wednesday
Min Dewpoint53.9°F at 6:45PM on Tuesday
Max Humidity85% at 10:56PM on Thursday
Min Humidity16% at 5:40PM on Tuesday
Average1 mph
Vector1 mph from 243°
High20 mph from 358° at 9:13PM on Thursday
Accum0.18 in
Max Rate1.42 in/hr at 9:16PM on Thursday
High117.1°F on Jul 8 at 4:10PM
Low76.1°F on Jul 25 at 11:15PM
Max Heat Index123.4°F on Jul 25 at 2:36PM
Max Dewpoint73.1°F on Jul 24 at 7:36AM
Min Dewpoint26.4°F on Jul 8 at 3:07PM
Max Humidity85% on Jul 25 at 10:56PM
Min Humidity5% on Jul 8 at 3:07PM
Average1 mph
Vector0 mph from 224°
High20 mph from 358° on Jul 25 at 9:13PM
Accum0.20 in
Max Rate1.42 in/hr on Jul 25 at 9:16PM
High117.1°F at 07/08/2024 04:10:16 PM
Low28.5°F at 01/09/2024 07:05:07 AM
Max Heat Index123.4°F at 07/25/2024 02:36:21 PM
Max Dewpoint73.8°F at 06/25/2024 11:17:58 AM
Min Dewpoint-9.9°F at 06/01/2024 04:56:54 PM
Max Humidity95% at 01/22/2024 09:07:59 AM
Min Humidity1% at 06/01/2024 04:56:54 PM
Average1 mph
Vector0 mph from 211°
High20 mph from 358° at 07/25/2024 09:13:16 PM
Accum4.31 in
Max Rate3.16 in/hr at 04/01/2024 03:00:43 AM
High119.9°F at 06/20/2017 04:30:00 PM
Low21.4°F at 01/15/2013 08:00:00 AM
Max Heat Index123.4°F at 07/25/2024 02:36:21 PM
Max Dewpoint77.7°F at 07/16/2021 01:09:04 PM
Min Dewpoint-52.6°F at 06/12/2021 04:30:08 PM
Max Humidity100% at 04/21/2012 11:15:00 AM
Min Humidity0% at 06/12/2021 05:36:22 PM
Average1 mph
Vector0 mph from 204°
High32 mph from 283° at 07/09/2021 10:29:34 PM
Accum100.95 in
Max Rate8.47 in/hr at 08/14/2022 05:12:34 PM
Sun Almanac
Daylight:49982 seconds (-85 seconds)
Twilight:05:08:45 AM
Sunrise:05:36:52 AM
Transit:12:33:35 PM
Sunset:07:29:53 PM
Twilight:07:57:56 PM
Moon Almanac
Phase:Last quarter (58% full)
Rise:11:35:29 PM
Transit:05:43:10 AM
Set:12:33:13 PM
Full Moon:08/19/2024 11:25:44 AM
New Moon:08/04/2024 04:12:58 AM
Today's Temperature, Dewpoint, and Heat Index graph
Today's Wind and Gust Speed graph
Today's Barometer graph
Today's Humidity graph
Today's Rain graph
Today's Wind graph
Today's Wind Vector graph
Today's Inside Temperature graph
Today's Combined Inside and Outside Temperature graph
Today's Console Receiver Signal graph
Today's Air Quality Index graph
Week's Temperature, Dewpoint, and Heat Index graph
Week's Wind and Gust Speed graph
Week's Barometer graph
Week's Humidity graph
Week's Rain graph
Week's Wind graph
Week's Wind Vector graph
Week's Inside Temperature graph
Week's Console Receiver Signal graph
Week's Air Quality Index graph
Month's Temperature, Dewpoint, and Heat Index graph
Month's Wind and Gust Speed graph
Month's Barometer graph
Month's Rain graph
Month's Wind graph
Month's Wind Vector graph
Month's Inside Temperature graph
Month's Console Receiver Signal graph
Month's Air Quality Index graph
Year's Temperature, Dewpoint, and Heat Index graph
Year's Wind and Gust Speed graph
Year's Barometer graph
Year's Rain graph
Year's Wind graph
Year's Wind Vector graph
Year's Inside Temperature graph
Year's Console Receiver Signal graph
Year's Air Quality Index graph